This example visualizes the path finding algorithm RRT* in a simple environment.

RRT* example screenshot

Used Rerun types

LineStrips2D, Points2D, TextDocument


The algorithm finds a path between two points by randomly expanding a tree from the start point. After it has added a random edge to the tree it looks at nearby nodes to check if it's faster to reach them through this new edge instead, and if so it changes the parent of these nodes. This ensures that the algorithm will converge to the optimal path given enough time.

A detailed explanation can be found in the original paper Karaman, S. Frazzoli, S. 2011. "Sampling-based algorithms for optimal motion planning". or in this medium article

Logging and visualizing with Rerun

All points are logged using the Points2D archetype, while the lines are logged using the LineStrips2D LineStrips2D.

The visualizations in this example were created with the following Rerun code:


Starting point

rr.log("map/start", rr.Points2D([start_point], radii=0.02, colors=[[255, 255, 255, 255]]))

Destination point

rr.log("map/destination", rr.Points2D([end_point], radii=0.02, colors=[[255, 255, 0, 255]]))


rr.log("map/obstacles", rr.LineStrips2D(self.obstacles))

RRT tree


rr.log("map/tree/edges", rr.LineStrips2D(tree.segments(), radii=0.0005, colors=[0, 0, 255, 128]))

New edges

rr.log("map/new/new_edge", rr.LineStrips2D([(closest_node.pos, new_point)], colors=[color], radii=0.001))


rr.log("map/tree/vertices", rr.Points2D([node.pos for node in tree], radii=0.002), rr.AnyValues(cost=[float(node.cost) for node in tree]))

Close nodes

rr.log("map/new/close_nodes", rr.Points2D([node.pos for node in close_nodes]))

Closest node

rr.log("map/new/closest_node", rr.Points2D([closest_node.pos], radii=0.008))

Random points

rr.log("map/new/random_point", rr.Points2D([random_point], radii=0.008))

New points

rr.log("map/new/new_point", rr.Points2D([new_point], radii=0.008))


rr.log("map/path", rr.LineStrips2D(segments, radii=0.002, colors=[0, 255, 255, 255]))

Run the code

To run this example, make sure you have the Rerun repository checked out and the latest SDK installed:

# Setup pip install --upgrade rerun-sdk # install the latest Rerun SDK git clone git@github.com:rerun-io/rerun.git # Clone the repository cd rerun git checkout latest # Check out the commit matching the latest SDK release

Install the necessary libraries specified in the requirements file:

pip install -r examples/python/rrt-star/requirements.txt

To experiment with the provided example, simply execute the main Python script:

python examples/python/rrt-star/main.py # run the example

If you wish to customize it, explore additional features, or save it use the CLI with the --help option for guidance:

python examples/python/rrt-star/main.py --help