
Rerun comes with built-in support for a number of different types that can be logged via the Python and Rust Logging APIs and then visualized in the Viewer.

The top-level types are called archetypes to differentiate them from the lower-level data types that make up the individual components. For more information on the relationship between archetypes and components, check out the concept page on Entities and Components.

Spatial archetypes

The spatial archetypes represent 2D and 3D spatial data. These types have some notion of a coordinate system and generally support spatial transformations. These types can be visualized by 2D and 3D space views.

To visualize a 2D entity in a 3D space view it must be under a pinhole transformation. To visualize a 3D entity in a 2D space view, the 2D's origin must be at a pinhole transform and all 3D objects are above it.

Spatial transformations

Image & tensor archetypes

Image and tensor archetypes all build on top of a common tensor component. The tensor component is a multi-dimensional generic container for arrays of data. Images are restricted to tensors of rank 2 or rank 3; these can be viewed in the Spatial space view. Generic tensors of greater rank can only be viewed in the specialized Tensor space view.

Time series archetypes

  • Scalar: a single scalar / metric value.
  • SeriesPoint: define the style properties for a point series in a chart.
  • SeriesLine: define the style properties for a line series in a chart.

Other archetypes

  • AnnotationContext: not viewed directly, but provides classes, labels, and connectivity information for other entities.
  • BarChart: data displayed in a BarChart space view.
  • Clear: clear all components of an entity.
  • TextDocument: text displayed in a TextDocument space view.
  • TextLog: a log entry in a TextLog space view.
  • ViewCoordinates: determines how we interpret the coordinate system of an entity/space.